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Welcome to! We are a community dedicated to discussing, analyzing, and disseminating information about Florida laws and law enforcement. Our mission is to educate our readers about legal practices, police protocols, law updates, and insights in the state of Florida.

We believe in a collaborative community where experienced professionals, budding lawyers, law enthusiasts, or anyone interested in Florida laws and law enforcement can contribute. If you have the knowledge, expertise, or simply an opinion to share, we would love to hear from you.

What We’re Looking For

We’re always open to high-quality, well-researched articles that provide a unique perspective or valuable insights. Topics can range from Florida law overviews, amendments, case studies, critical analysis of law enforcement, to police protocols, procedures, and training.

Our audience includes law students, practicing lawyers, law enforcement officers, and individuals generally interested in Florida’s legal landscape. Therefore, content must be presented in an accessible, engaging, and informative manner.


  1. Content: We accept blog posts, articles, case studies, infographics, and law analysis. The content must be original, unique, and not previously published elsewhere. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
  2. Length: Articles should be between 800 and 2000 words. Longer articles may be split into multiple parts.
  3. Formatting: Content must be well-structured with clear headings and subheadings. Include bullet points or numbered lists where appropriate.
  4. Sources: If your article references data, statistics, or information not common knowledge, please include the source. Hyperlinks should be used to reference original studies, articles, or relevant web pages.
  5. Tone: Maintain a professional yet accessible tone. Avoid overly technical language and aim to make your content understandable for a general audience.

Submission Process

To submit your article:

  1. Email us using the contact below and we will respond. Please include “Article Submission” in the email subject line.
  2. Please include a brief bio of yourself, your headshot, and any relevant links to your social media profiles or personal website.

Our editorial team will review your submission, and if it fits our content criteria, we will respond to discuss the next steps. Please allow up to two weeks for us to get back to you.

What’s in it for you?

By writing for, you get an opportunity to share your insights and knowledge with a broad audience. Your work will be credited and promoted through our various channels. Additionally, it’s a great platform to establish yourself as an expert in the field of Florida laws and law enforcement.

We look forward to your contributions. Together, let’s help our readers navigate the complex yet fascinating world of Florida laws and law enforcement. reserves the right to edit content for clarity, style, and length. We also retain the right to reject any content that we deem inappropriate or irrelevant to our audience.

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  • Can I Buy Florida Police License Plates?

    In Florida, residents can purchase several types of specialty license plates related to law enforcement. These plates are designed to show support for law enforcement and contribute to various funds that benefit law enforcement agencies and officers. One such plate is the “Support Law Enforcement” specialty license plate. This plate was first enacted by the…

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  • what is the Florida Police Chiefs Association (FPCA)?

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  • What is The Florida Police Pursuit Policy?

    The police pursuit policy in Florida varies by jurisdiction, but some common principles guide these policies. The primary concern is always the safety of the public, law enforcement officers, and even the suspects involved in the pursuit. For instance, the Orlando Police Department’s policy states that officers must make every reasonable effort to apprehend fleeing…

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