About us

The Florida Law Enforcement Tribute, based in Miami, is dedicated to honoring the service and sacrifice of law enforcement officers across the state of Florida. Our website serves as a resource to highlight the important work done by Florida’s dedicated police departments and officers.

We provide profiles of police departments across Florida to give our community an inside look at these agencies’ daily operations and services. Our goal is to build greater public understanding and appreciation for the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to protect our communities.

We also share information on assistance programs, charities, and other resources that support active and retired Florida law enforcement officers and their families. The officers who serve Florida deserve our respect and support.

Also, our website publishes public records related to Florida law enforcement, including crime statistics, salaries, misconduct reports, and other data. We believe public records and transparency can help strengthen accountability and trust between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve.

The Florida Law Enforcement Tribute aims to honor our dedicated officers’ service across Florida while promoting public awareness, safety, and stronger community relationships. We are proud to highlight the outstanding contributions of Florida’s law enforcement personnel through our continually updated website.

Latest posts

  • Can I Buy Florida Police License Plates?

    In Florida, residents can purchase several types of specialty license plates related to law enforcement. These plates are designed to show support for law enforcement and contribute to various funds that benefit law enforcement agencies and officers. One such plate is the “Support Law Enforcement” specialty license plate. This plate was first enacted by the…

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  • what is the Florida Police Chiefs Association (FPCA)?

    The Florida Police Chiefs Association (FPCA) is one of the most significant state police chiefs associations in the United States, with over 1000 members from various law enforcement agencies across the state. These include municipal police departments, airport police, college and university police, tribal police, railroad and port authority police, private business and security firms,…

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  • What is The Florida Police Pursuit Policy?

    The police pursuit policy in Florida varies by jurisdiction, but some common principles guide these policies. The primary concern is always the safety of the public, law enforcement officers, and even the suspects involved in the pursuit. For instance, the Orlando Police Department’s policy states that officers must make every reasonable effort to apprehend fleeing…

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